S-Video Adapter
S-Video Adapter for DVD Red and DVD Red PRO
S-Video adapter lets you to use DVD Red PRO or DVD Red with S-Video
- S-video adapter make DVD Red and DVD Red PRO S-Video compatible
- Take advantages of S-Video over Composite Video
- Copy any protected materials with S-Video quality
General Description |
S-Video is one of the high quality methods of transmitting a video signal.
S-Video separates the color information (Chrominance) from the brightness
information (Luminance), what prevents things like color bleeding and dot crawl,
and helps increase clarity and sharpness. To obtain the best quality in video or audio,
you want to keep encoding/decoding to a minimum and retain the original signal as much
as possible without modification.
The DVD Player works with digital RGB information after it decodes MPEG2 data from DVD media.
The VCR works with Composite Video analog information stored on the VHS
and sometimes with S-Video in case of SVHS.
When you use a composite hookup, the DVD Player has to encode the RGB information into a
single signal - Composite Video. That signal is sent to the recorder, where a device
called a Comb Filter separates the composite signal into Chroma and Luma.
When you use a S-Video hookup, the DVD Player has to encode the RGB image into two
separate signals, Chroma and Luma and this is exactly what the recorder needs.
You do not use Comb Filter and this results in a minor loss in reproduction quality.
Same also works with SVHS. In that case Chroma and Luma information from SVHS tape
is sent by VCR to recorder and again no Comb Filter used. But in case of common VHS,
on which the original signal is Composite Video, S-Video has no advantages because
original Composite signal has to be separated to Chroma and Luma in any case.
You must also keep in mind that modern DVD Recorders has very effective
digital Comb Filters so it is not promised you will see big or even any difference
in quality between Composite and S-Video signals.
One more thing the S-Video adapter will give you is ability to have alternate connection
option in case your Composite Video path is already in use by another device.
So after You know about the advantages of the S-Video You can decide wether or not to use
it in your setup.
Features |
- Lets You use S-Video signal for better Video quality
- S-Video is not converted to Component Video and stays S-Video all the way
S-Video adapter is passive adapter.
It has no Video format converter inside.
DVD Red and DVD Red PRO also do not convert S-Video signal
to Composite Video and back to S-Video.
They know how to work with original S-Video and remove
protection from it.
- Provides alternate connection option
- All features of DVD Red and DVD Red PRO stays with S-Video
Connection Diagram |
As you can see S-Video adapter has male and female plugs.
Standard Video equipment like DVD Recorder, DVD Player or VCR has
female sockets for both S-Video Input and S-Video Output.
You have to use your original S-Video cable that has male plugs
to connect it all together. Using the arbitrary long S-Video cable
will let you not to be limited in distance between playback and recording
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S-Video Adapter
We ship it for free together with your DVD Red or DVD Red PRO order*
On Stock |
$11.90 USD |
(*) If you decide to buy S-Video adapter after you have purchased DVD Red or DVD Red PRO,
no problem. We are still ready to provide you free shipment for this adapter.
Warranty |
The S-Video Adapter for DVD Red and DVD Red PRO are unconditionally guaranteed by Dimax.
If adapter has not performed to your satisfaction, you can simply
return the undamaged unit within 60 days period with the original sales
receipt to the distributor from whom the unit was purchased and your
money will be promptly refunded. You can also request the exchange
of your broken (not properly working unit) with new one.
This warranty applies only during normal use and care and is absolutely
void if the product is misused, neglected, damaged, altered, or repaired
by someone other than DIMAX.
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Translations |
All translations are provided by "Google Language Tools" for reference only.
Dimax has no responsibility for translations and no rights can be derived from any translation on this web site