What is the meaning of the red indicator
DVD Red PRO smart indicator will let you understand what is going on with your device.
It can let you check if electronic circuit and power supply are functioning correctly.
You can also monitor if DVD Red PRO seas the video signal and what kind of signal it is.
State Description
Indicator Status
NTSC (USA/Canada)
Power Connected
Video Connected (*)
Protection Detected and Successfully Removed
(*) Video Connected generally means that non protected video is connected
to DVD Red PRO. Some types of protections may also be indicated as non protected video.
It does not mean although that protection is not removed.
How to check DVD Red PRO FW version
To check DVD Red PRO Firmware version you should perform following simple steps:
- DVD Red PRO must be connected to playback device and TV
- Disconnect power from DVD Red PRO
- Press play on your playback device connected to DVD Red PRO. (Video must be passing by DVD Red PRO to TV)
- Connect power to DVD Red PRO
- In a few seconds on top of the playback video you could see embedded message like


It means Version is "6.2" and Operational Mode is "001"."
How to check DVD Red PRO Operational Mode
Please refer to the previous topic. Operational Mode is displayed after Firmware version.
How to change Operational Mode
STEP 1 |
Take the DVD Red PRO and
Connect RCA Cable between DVD Red PRO Composite (RCA) Video Input and Composite (RCA) Video Output. In other words make loopback between RCA input and Output connectors.
STEP 2 |
Connect Power to DVD Red PRO and wait until indicator starts to blink fast.
It will continue to blink this way for about 6-7 seconds
STEP 3 |
After that DVD Red PRO indicator will start to show one, two, three, and so on ....
short blinks followed by long blink.
On the example at the right side you can see one short blink followed by long blink
and after that two short blinks followed by long blink. Next the same sequence continues.
The number of short blinks is an Operational Mode number.
Real DVD Red PRO will have more then
two possible Operational Modes
STEP 4 |
Once DVD Red PRO indicator short blinks desired number of times (desired Operational Mode)
wait the long blink to begin and while long blink is on disconnect power from DVD Red PRO.
DVD Red PRO will stay in that Operational mode it was just before you've disconnected power.
You can check the new Operational Mode using instructions in
"How to check DVD Red PRO Operational Mode" topic above.
Why should I change operational mode
You should not!
The default Operational Mode 001 that the DVD Red PRO is shipped with is one that will suite
all your needs.
In some special cases with specific setups we may suggest you to select different Operational
Mode. You should change DVD Red PRO Operational Mode only if our technical support has recommended it.
What is the difference between DVD Red PRO and Grex
Analog Copy Protection (ACP) - Macrovision Level 1 (AGC), Level 2 & Level 3 (Color stripe) Removal
CGMS-A (CGMS/A) - Copy Generation Management System for Analog Video Removal
Copy protected DVD to VHS
Copy protected VHS to DVD
Copy protected DVD to DVD
Does not make any Video Signal conversions. Provides best Video quality
S-Video (SVHS) support
Smart Light Indicator
Lets you record protected TV channels from SAT/Cable Receiver, STB, PVR, DVR
Preserves Closed Caption
NTSC & PAL Support